About Us
Abrelegwi Ngoasong Esq. (Collaborator)
Abrelegwi Ngoasong(Brenda) is an advocate; Member of the Rwanda Bar Association(RBA) and the East Africa Law Society(EALS). She is passionate about Peace, human rights and humanitarian issues. Aside being an advocate at Fondong and Partners Law firm, Ngoasong oversees the daily affairs of a Non-Governmental Organization which she founded in 2014 called Women Without Borders(WWB-Cameroon).
Her areas of practice include, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Human rights, family Law, Labour and employment law likewise commercial transactions.
Institute of Legal Practice and Development, Rwanda, (Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice), 2020.
University of Buea, Cameroon, {LL. B(Hons) 2012, and M. A Conflict peace and Security (Hons), 2020}
Professional Career:
Associate at Fondong and Partners Law firm, 2020.
Founder of Women Without Borders, 2014.
Youth Partner at Oxfam International, 2010.
Bar Memberships
Rwanda Bar Association(RBA) 2021
East African Law Society(EALS)2021
English and French
Contact Details
Address: Buea-Cameroon
(+237) 243 009 546
(+237) 679576157(hotline)
Email: ngoasong@fondongandpartners.com
Collaborator at Fondong & Partners, Buea, 2021
English and French